Sunday, January 29, 2012


If you ever feel like no one cares and no one calls you, take a nap. My battery is always full and energized but sometimes when I feel I should take a nap to recharge, I know exactly what will happen.

My naps are usually a half hour long, and I wake up exactly in a half hour without an alarm clock, just like every morning in any time zone 4:00 AM is my natural wakeup time.

The following is the honest truth and I am not exaggerating. Every time I decide to take a nap while on the East coast, I call the office and home and ask them if they need me for anything, and let them know I am going to take a nap and will call them as soon as I wake up.

Without fail, as soon as I am in my dreams floating away, the phone rings and it is usually advertising for carpet cleaning, cell phone promotions, or request for political contributions from the parties that I have lost faith in.

A few weeks ago I was under the weather in California and stayed home to work as much as I could and rest to get over it. I was able to work 15-20 minutes at a time and had to lie down to overcome my fever and headache. As soon as I would fall asleep, the phone would ring and it began- A roofing company wanting to know if we needed roof work, a carpet cleaning company had a special for the Christmas holidays, and insurance companies wanted to know if I wanted to lower my rate. The only thing I wanted to lower was my fever and they were not letting me. The last call while I was trying to take my fourth nap really got me: Tree trimming before the holidays to make the outside decoration stand out. I asked the person calling (with my headache and fever), “Do you have a special bureau that tells you I am home sick that prompts you to call? Is there a conspiracy to my illness that all these calls are coming in?” She was stunned and asked me what I was taking about. I told her about all the calls coming in. I asked her to please call the conspiracy center and ask them to take me off the list. We both laughed.

This happens to me all the time whether I am on the West coast, East coast, or Mid west. The bureau will get the message when I am taking a nap and the signals go out……..”CALL FRED NOW”.

Who I really feel sorry for are the stay- home moms that have so much to do at home with new babies. Calls coming in are either waking up the baby or taking them away from the busy day they have to cope with, And what about those people recovering from illnesses or surgeries?

Also do not forget the evenings. As soon as you are done with dinner and sit down to watch a new program, the political calls start coming in. I tell them to get a great candidate that you do not have to call to raise money for and people would be glad to give money to. All these candidates with no agenda and the same message as 50 years ago are saying the same thing and are still trying to sell the garbage.

Well I hope your naps are pleasant and the bureau does not have your number yet. Me? I guess I have to live with it and it is a way of life with me until the bureau gives up on me by not buying anything they sell on the phone.

Sunday, January 23, 2011



There are certain things that bother me, and I experience them daily. The USA is a melting pot of all backgrounds and nationalities that we all came from. I have noticed that manners are being lost. We cannot and should not blame this situation on being from a different background. Politeness is and should be universal.

In these days of the Internet, Face Book, and other social sites, I believe people are forgetting their social graces and the ability to communicate properly. The young people can no longer talk to each other directly. They text, twitter, or e-mail. This is taking away the art of communication that will be needed even more in future, which is rapidly looking at us in the face.

I do not care where anyone is from. Politeness and good manners should never be forgotten. The following are a few examples of what is bothering me. I am sure you can relate to some of them, and you probably have some of your own that I could relate to.

In the restaurant I have noticed that the words “please and thank you” are not used when the server is taking care of the customers. I make it a point to talk to the servers in order to learn more about them. I am constantly surprised at the caliber of people that are waiting on me. I have been served by students who were in their final year of becoming doctors or lawyers. I had the pleasure of having a real ballerina wait on me in a Chicago restaurant who had to stop dancing due to hurting her ankle and couldn’t dance any more. She had been the star of the show. You and I have been served by married as well as single mothers who have to wait on us to make a better life for their children or to put food on the table. Their stories are endless. The next time you are at the restaurant, do not forget to say “please and thank you”. Do not judge the person by his or her job.

Another item that bothers me is when an elevator, bus or Metro-Link door opens and everyone rushes in, What happened to waiting for the people inside to disembark before you run into them or brush past them?

I hate to see people’s underwear. People who wear their pants low to show off their underwear do not belong in public places. I was at the Red Rock Casino on a Saturday afternoon waiting to be called for a seat to play poker. There was this adult person appearing to be approximately age 25 to 28 years old who was wearing a pair of pants that weren’t either shorts or long pants. This style of pants I have never been able to understand. To make matters worse, he was wearing them so low that his underwear was exposed which was sickening. If I want to see underwear, I can go Wall-Mart and go to the department that sells them. To this group, all I can say is, “Pull up your pants!”

I think there should be classes for people of all ages to attend and learn about manners and etiquette. Obviously, the young people are not being trained in their homes. I realize the schools cannot do it because they do not have budget for it. How about Gyms, the YMCA, and other social platforms that would offer classes for people of all ages to attend free and learn social graces and manners.

We will be falling behind other nations by losing the important art of manners. To me, having good manners reflects in the respect we show others as well as the respect we receive. Let’s not learn the bad habits of others, but rather display as well as learn the good manners of others.
Thank you.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Tribute to All Veterans 11/7/2010

A Tribute to All Veterans
On Sunday morning 11/7/2010 while I was driving back from Las Vegas, Nevada to California, I was listening via my Sirius Radio to CBC Radio (Canada Broadcasting Corp.) program. It was a tribute to Canada’s Veterans Day. The program was devoted to stories of veterans which were very interesting and moving. I thought we should all take time and recognize how our armed forces are making our freedom possible by devoting their most precious thing called life to preserve it for us. They fight for us and sometimes give their lives. Those who are injured live with their disability for the rest of their lives. For this, we need to take extra time and personal effort to thank them. The next time you see a soldier, reach out and thank him for making our freedom possible. I would like to share with you the article that I found which best explains the day that has become Veterans day.
A Kansas town's tribute becomes a national holiday
By Marti Attoun
Veterans Day is a star-spangled celebration in Emporia, Kan., for not only did the holiday originate there 50 years ago, but townspeople built the country’s first memorial honoring veterans of all wars.
In 1953, an Emporia shoe cobbler, Alvin J. King, proposed that Armistice Day, a day set aside to remember World War I veterans, be renamed Veterans Day to honor all veterans, whenever or wherever they served.
“Alvin never served a day in the military, but he was a true patriot,” recalls the late Thomas Tholen, a World War II veteran of Company B, a unit of Army recruits from Emporia (pop. 26,760). King was too young to serve in World War I and too old to serve in World War II, but his nephew fought with Company B and King adopted the group.
“He was just a working man, kind of a local character,” says Tholen, who died Sept. 28 at the age of 84. “He furnished the chickens for our dinners.”
Emporia celebrated its first Veterans Day on Nov. 11, 1953. The nation joined the next year after King collared U.S. Rep. Ed Rees, also of Emporia, with his proposal and Rees helped push a Veterans Day bill through Congress. Another Kansan, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed it into law in 1954.
“Company B passed the hat and raised $165 to buy King a suit so he could go to Washington, D.C. He only had bib overalls,” Tholen recalls.
About 2,800 veterans live in the Emporia area and they’re like family, says Ken Bradstreet, 77, a World War II combat veteran and recipient of a Purple Heart. Bradstreet is a familiar face at schools where he talks of his military experiences and about flag etiquette.
“Kids will holler, ‘Hi, Ken,’ and I’ll say, ‘Where’s your smile? You woke up today with freedom. You should be smiling.’”
A True-Blue Salute
Like King, Bradstreet came up with an idea to salute veterans. In 1988, an Army tank was displayed in the Soden’s Grove Park with a flag and small sign designating “Veterans Memorial.”
“It looked horribly lonesome,” Bradstreet recalls. “I’d go there and stay for a quiet time to be with the guys I left behind.
“I went there one day and every inch of that tank was covered with graffiti. I was so mad, I told my wife that I was going to do something about it. All I wanted to do was to get it painted and get a couple of benches and some shrubbery.”
Bradstreet made a 20-minute patriotic speech to the city fathers. He got far more than he asked for.
In 1991, the city dedicated a $450,000 All Veterans Memorial, the first in the country honoring veterans of all wars. Six stone pylons in the Circle of Honor remember those who served in the Civil War, Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam War. Beside the circle is the country’s first memorial to Persian Gulf War veterans.
A gazebo shelters a monument to Marine Sgt. Grant Timmerman, of Emporia, who received the Congressional Medal of Honor in 1944. A Walk of Honor is flanked by 34 plaques recognizing military units and veterans groups from Emporia.
Four years ago, Emporia went great guns again and turned Veterans Day into a week-long tribute.
“We wanted more people involved in honoring veterans,” says Liz Martell, director of the Emporia Convention and Visitors Bureau. “We were looking at something that could bring the community together.”
This year’s 50th anniversary All Veterans Tribute! includes a veterans recognition ceremony, USO show, M.A.S.H. party, memorial service, band concert, and military field base set up at the Lyon County Fairgrounds with exhibits and re-enactments. More than 75 patriotic floats, color guard and military units will participate in the Veterans Day parade.
Ever year, Bradstreet helps judge a student essay contest on patriotism. Two years ago, 12-year-old Erica Bennett, whose grandfather was a World War II prisoner of war, read her poignant winning essay at the awards ceremony.
“Veterans Day is a day we should respect and give our thanks to veterans and soldiers who risked their lives, jobs, families and many other things to maintain American freedom,” she wrote.
Emporians couldn’t agree more.
From Armistice to Veterans Day
On Nov. 11—at the 11th hour of the 11th day in the 11th month of the year 1918—World War I ended. After four seemingly endless years of trench warfare and enormous casualties on both sides, an armistice was signed between the Allies and Germany.
As word of the war’s end sped across America, people were jubilant—church bells rang out, fire whistles sounded, and people in towns all over the nation flooded the streets with impromptu parades and singing and rejoicing. The day became an instant holiday, marking the end of the terrible European ordeal, and the eventual return of America’s soldiers.
At first though, Armistice Day, as it was called, was an entirely spontaneous holiday, and the observance wasn’t officially recognized until a 1926 congressional resolution stated: “The recurring anniversary of this date should be commemorated with thanksgiving and prayer and exercises designed to perpetuate peace through goodwill and mutual understanding between nations . . . ”
President Calvin Coolidge called upon officials to display the flag on all government buildings and invited Americans to observe Armistice Day in schools, churches, and other appropriate places.
A 1938 act of Congress declared Nov. 11 a legal holiday—“a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be hereafter celebrated and known as ‘Armistice Day.’” And while veterans were certainly honored on that date, it continued to be a day marking the end of World War I, the conflict President Woodrow Wilson had called “The war to end all wars.”
But then came World War II. Following the close of that conflict—and sparked by the proposal from Alvin J. King—Armistice Day was renamed Veterans Day, this time to include the honoring of all soldiers, wherever and whenever they served.
In 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued the first Veterans Day proclamation:
“On that day let us solemnly remember the sacrifices of all those who fought so valiantly, on the seas, in the air, and on foreign shores, to preserve our heritage of freedom, and let us re-consecrate ourselves to the task of promoting an enduring peace so that their efforts shall not have been in vain.”
Now, on Nov. 11, Americans salute all those who serve or who have served, no matter what the place, no matter what the sacrifice.
Marti Attoun is a freelance writer in Joplin, Mo.
First appeared: 11/9/2003

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Lets's put the shine back in America

Let’s put the shine back in America

When you are from another country and think of America, you might envision this bright shining place where everything is possible, and everyone has a chance to succeed if they work hard and want it bad enough.

I remember the day my plane landed in New York. The terminal was so bright and modern compared to the terminals I had seen in Switzerland, England & Iran. Then my flight took me to San Francisco where my brother picked me up in his Ford to drive to Redding, California, where I would be going to college.

Everything along the way was so fresh, and I was ready to burst into the new place and claim my share. Our first stop at Denny’s for dinner was awesome. I had the combination platter that was a hamburger and fries. The thousand-island dressing on the hamburger was so new to me that I did go back regularly to have that same order.

You have to be from another country or have visited other countries to appreciate and love this great land called the USA. It is and always will be the land of opportunity for the natives and the immigrants alike. However, in the past ten years we have tarnished the image of America and we need to put the shine back on it.

To me, education is discipline. Even if you do not learn a single thing scholastically, it will make you a better person and the discipline will give you the drive to go for the seemingly impossible, which “is” possible in America. We all went to school to obtain knowledge for our future career, and when we were done; we were expected to use this knowledge for the betterment of the jobs we held and to advance progress. Our financial institutions have the newly educated people who are not there for the betterment of our system and society, but to devise systems to take advantage of ordinary people with shadowy schemes. Our politicians are still feeding us garbage and fooling us to vote for them. Their only self-satisfying agenda is to qualify for the outrageous retirement benefits and book/speech tours they can profit from.

Our stock market is nothing more than a big gambling casino where they try to lure the public in by phony news reports and hypes to sell the worthless stocks. As soon as we are fooled enough to buy, they pull the rug out and here goes another scheme they profit from.

We need to wake up, get our standards raised, and get rid of these politicians who have been feeding us the same garbage. We need to get the other countries to respect us again (not by throwing money at their problems, but by creating good-will through valuable and necessary assistance). Money is a tool to use as a carpenter uses his hammer and saw to make products. Money should be used for what it is, a tool to build strong foundations, build industries that are essential to our well being, and by creating jobs that are long lasting rather than here today, and gone tomorrow.

Each one of us needs to try to be a better person and do our best to raise our standards of expectation from our government representatives. They in turn should do what is right for us and help other countries to advance. Only then can America start polishing its image and bring the shine back.
I miss the shine, don’t you!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010



Farmers Market on weekends are the usual scene in most American cities on Saturdays and Sundays. On this special Sunday, San Clemente, a beach city in Southern California, had a Farmers Market along the sidewalks. I love walking through these stands buying fresh foods and sometimes unusual products. I came across one big stand that had all sorts of honey products. I love honey and always buy it at the road stands in different states and cities. At this stand I came across a product that I am sure many of you have heard of and know about, but I never had. It was labeled “BEE POLLEN”. The older gentleman who was in charge of the stand told me all the benefits of this miracle product. He also stated that it takes one bee an entire day of work to produce one grain of pollen. Of course, how could I resist not buying a jar for $10.00 to try and find out if it is what is talked about so much. I was told it is also called “ROYAL JELLY”. I have started taking this miracle food, and I will let you know how it will be rated by me in few months.
Meanwhile I did a search on the internet and found the following information which you can read and reach your own conclusion.
What is Bee Pollen?
While most people recognize the term bee pollen, many people do not know what bee pollen actually is or what it has to offer. Bee Pollen is one of nature¹s unique and most powerful foods. It is flower pollen that bees collect for food. Bee pollen offers a treasure trove of special plant nutrients.
One of Nature's Most Perfect Foods The amazing bee has provided us with a beneficial natural food supplement. Long ago the Greeks and Romans called natural bee pollen "the life-giving dust" or the secret "ambrosia" eaten to acquire eternal youth. Pollen was entombed with pharaohs, it was used by the American Indians, and for centuries by tribes in China. In our modern times, scientists, gerontologists and nutritionists have rediscovered these bee-prepared foods and confirmed that they are able to promote benefits in the form of healing and rejuvenation. Some nutritionists state that you could live adequately on bee pollen alone. Science shows that bee pollen, that wondrous yet mysterious nectar, has natural rejuvenating powers, aids beauty, boosts energy, extends life span, fights allergies (and possibly even cancer) and relieves digestive disorders. Bee pollen bursts with easily-assimilated protein and lecithin, which nourish the brain and nervous system.
Food fit for the Queen! Beehive foods are superior food sources. Based on its research, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has stated that bee pollen is the most nutritious food we can eat. It contains every nutrient required to sustain and support life in a pure, raw and unaltered form. Bee products can provide support for almost any ailment or desired health enhancement. One of the real appealing characters of the hive, besides the bees themselves, is bee pollen. This miracle is considered to contain every chemical substance needed to maintain life, nourish, rejuvenate and heal, and nobody proves it better than the queen bee. How a single bee can reign totally supreme in a community of thousands? Being the sole female, responsible for laying 2,000 eggs daily and living forty times longer than the worker bees, the queen bee is by far the most amazing testament to bee pollen. No wonder it is considered a complete food, a great supplement to build the immune system and provide energy for the entire body!
Dr. S.Seradj, D.O.M., C.A.
Digestion and Circulation. Bee pollen is known to be an accelerator of human growth. It regulates the action of the intestinal functions, especially in cases of chronic constipation or diarrhea, which have been resistant to antibiotic treatment. Pollen self-digests and aids the digestion of other foods. A natural occurrence with bee pollen is weight control. Taken into your digestive system, there is a speedy combustion, which makes fats burn faster and increases the rate of burned calories.
Detoxification and Immunity. Bee pollen is used as an immune system builder, has the ability to correct body chemistry and eliminate unhealthy conditions. European physicians note that people with an alcohol problem, when treated with pollen, show great reduction in alcohol cravings. Young people who want to get off heavy drugs go through minimal or no withdrawal when treated with bee pollen. It also has the ability to throw off poisons and toxic materials from the body.
Tests Show Improvements. In France and Poland some doctors have added pollen to children's and adult's diets and observed that, after a few days, all the people felt better and their blood analysis showed an improvement, especially anemic children. Pollen has been used for curing some ailments of our nervous system. After a week, people who take it become less nervous, more optimistic, are more eager to work, and depression disappears. It has also been known to help relieve diabetic symptoms. Doctors have obtained good results. In one test, 32g of pollen daily taken for 2 weeks lowered the amount of sugar in 1 liter of urine by 41.8 g. Dr. Chauvia and Dr. Lenormand say that pollen also contains an antibiotic similar to penicillin and is able to inhibit the development of some microorganisms such as Salmonella.
Help in Middle Age. Doctors have made another discovery, but they are not able to explain it entirely. Men who start eating 15g (1 tbsp.) of pollen daily when they are around 40-45 years old do not have any problem with their prostate gland. Current prostate problems can often be eliminated using pollen (including patients scheduled for surgery). Pollen for potency: It helps with the ability to perform the sexual act and the procreative capacity in cases of barrenness and impotency. It is good for men over 40 and for menopausal women.
Help for Seniors. Pollen is very effective with seniors who do not have the appetite to maintain a healthy diet. All minerals in bee pollen are present in a highly digestible and organic form necessary for the digestion of many foods, functioning of glands, organs and nerves, and the balancing of blood, lymph, and aqueous and general metabolism system. Pollen also contains active antibiotic substances, which destroy bacteria on contact. Bee pollen is useful in cases of stress and nervous endocrine system disorders due to its high content of natural B Vitamins. Bee pollen increases energy and mental alertness and is believed to slow down the aging process.
Fighting Disease. By increasing the body's healing power, the body can help build resistance to disease. It has been successfully used with allergies, asthma, chronic rheumatism, colitis, arteriosclerosis, insomnia, depression, failing memory, hay fever, to normalize intestinal activity, to lower cholesterol levels and stimulate appetite, lower high blood pressure, offset the effects of drugs and pollutants, anemic conditions and attention deficit. It is especially useful in times of pregnancy, lactation and intensive physical or mental work. It maintains the high levels of energy required to keep up with hectic schedules, deadlines or long hours. Pollen brings back vitality without the dangers of artificial stimulants like caffeine, ephedra or quarana and can be taken safely at any time. It is a natural product, admirably tolerated, and compatible with other therapies. Bee pollen is a powerful food supplement for children, growing teens, and adults of all ages. Bee pollen is the only natural food that contains almost all of the 22 elements of which the human body is composed. Today, more than ten thousand tons of bee pollen is consumed as food or medicine all over the world every year! Everyone can benefit from taking Bee pollen!
How to take Bee Pollen. Adults: Start with 1 tsp. in the morning (1/2 hour before breakfast) followed with some water, juice or milk. Increase your intake every day by a few grains until reaching 2 tsp. a day (10 ml). For normal daily intake you may take up to 1 tbsp. (15 ml) daily.
Children: Start from 3 grains, increasing by 2 grains every few days until reaching 1/2 tsp. a day. You may mix pollen with raw honey and eat it, or dilute it in a liquid at room temperature.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


September 2010
We have all noticed as we drive through neighborhoods that so many homes are foreclosed on, are bank owned, and are thus sitting vacant. When I drive by one of these homes, I can visualize a family that had been living there and thriving, but due to circumstances and Bank Greed, was thrown out. I wonder where they are, what they are doing, and how they are making out. Most of them, if they do not have a caring family, family members living close by, friends able to help, or the means to overcome this extreme hardship, end up homeless.

A Program on the CBS Evening News on 8/11/2010 had a special segment on a writer who wrote a book on all the people in Las Vegas who are living literally “underground” under Las Vegas Blvd., more commonly known as “The Strip” where the majority of the casinos are built. Some have been there for almost a year, living in these cave-like tunnels. These were people who had jobs (many of them in these same casinos), and when they lost their employment, they had no alternative but to live under Las Vegas Blvd directly above them, with so many below struggling to make it from one day to the next.

Banks are no longer an organization that I have high regard for. I firmly believe that banks and insurance companies are nothing more than legalized Mafias that now have the license to steal and flex their powerful muscles legally. They are no longer a friend or helper to the people or to businesses.

Unfortunately, this scene in Las Vegas is repeated all across our great nation. With unemployment not improving due to low demand due to fewer people with jobs to have an income to spend, we are facing a long haul to get close to normal again.

With all of these houses that the banks have foreclosed on being “offered for sale.” we all know these so-called sale offers are just phony gestures. The banks don’t really want to sell these houses at a discounted/lowered price at the current market rate. This would result in a loss which would show up on their annual statements, and would not create bonuses for the greedy executives. And so they continue to go through the process of offering these homes and declining the buyers, and our government believes that all the money they gave to the banks is helping! How naïve the government is.

One thing that the banks obviously do not realize is the fact that when houses sit empty, they deteriorate, are damaged by others, and eventually fall apart. It takes a lot of money to repair these houses, and paying for the upkeep isn’t cheap either. So why not let the people who are in them be evaluated, and based on their current state of income, make allowances on payments so they can make it through these difficult times. Base the payments on the current value of the property and discount it to the level of their affordability to keep it occupied.

Now I know the rest of us who are making our payments and feeling the heat also will say, “How about me?” Well, let’s realize one thing…..the whole world is not about ME! It is the “me generation” who got us into this mess to begin with. Let’s realize that it takes one person at a time to be considerate to give a break to others. We are the fortunate ones who can still make our regular payments based on the inflated prices we paid for our properties….AND thank God we still have jobs and can still afford to pay the mortgage or rent.

Another suggestion is that banks would accept applications from the homeless people to be reviewed by them and a panel of independent advisors able to qualify the homeless families’ background. Based on a set of standards to be established, these families would be allowed to live in these foreclosed properties on the market for what they can afford or free until they find employment. At that point, they can either buy the property or move out. One condition for qualification would be their responsibility and respect for the property, to keep it in good condition, or improve it if they have skills for items to be fixed to give a better value to the property. In another word, since they are getting something very valuable (a roof over their heads), they in turn give value back. If this particular property is sold, this family would be relocated to another empty house in the area.

The result of this would be no gangs, no thugs, no drug dealers and druggies breaking into these homes and damaging these properties…just decent people or families that have fallen on hard times. We take care of so many people in foreign countries without a second thought, and now it is time to take care of our own. We do not ask where the money is going for all the dollars that are leaving our shores to help rogue governments and countries. I’m quite sure they don’t even need to fill out an application! It is now time for us to be just as tolerant with our own, that we can screen and help. I am sure we have all seen and experienced hard times, so I’m sure we can find the compassion in our hearts to help our fellow countrymen.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010



If friends could be bought and sold, I am sure Wall Street would have created an “option to trade” and we could all speculate on the options. Since there is not, then I have to conclude that we can not buy friends, but our Government has not understood nor realized this yet.

I was listening to the NBC Evening News yesterday (July 19th), and the leading story was about Hillary Clinton, our Secretary of State’s visit to Pakistan. It featured her hesitant notation to the announcement of 500 Million Dollars to be given away to Pakistan for building dams, roads, and bridges.

Yes, even in these days of hard times in our country, we are giving money away to countries that pretend they are our friends. They stimulate the degree of violence (that they are in control of) to milk us out of more support, while they are really lining their pockets, and so they keep the game going. When are we going to learn that if we fix their problems, they will not have any reason or ability to con us out of the money we so desperately need at home. As far as I can remember we have repeated the same scenario, and no single time has it solved the problem. Look at the Palestine/Israel situation. Do you think the two of them would benefit if they would agree to peace? Absolutely not! Israel would go bankrupt and Palestine would not be able to support itself and thus become a viable state.

A few weeks ago on the news they showed how pallets of American dollars that we had given to Iraq were leaving for Dubai banks for deposit by the same people we supported to create a viable country. Yes, your hard-earned money and mine is being given away to thieves who we are buying as friends.

Several of our states are in the “state of bankruptcy” and California will be releasing or has already started releasing criminals from jails because they can not afford to house them any more. I think they are just as much a threat to our society turned loose as the Al Quida. Or maybe….having criminals killing us one at a time is OK as long as it isn’t a bunch at a time?

Our economy can use the jobs that road and dam construction would create at home rather than in Pakistan. Many of our unemployed are losing their benefits, and some will be driven to do things illegally. Hunger might drive them to a state of desperation, creating new criminals added to those released criminals. Now we will have real chaos!

I would like our government to look inside our own country and get us back on our feet, Put our unemployed and new graduates to work by creating funding for small businesses to have credit in order to expand and create jobs, not government jobs but private jobs and opportunity. America is a dynamic country. Let’s not destroy what took 200 plus years to build. Let's get real and open our eyes and realize that friends can not be bought. And if they can, I do not want friends that are nothing more than a commodity