Thursday, January 14, 2010

Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap Molasses

Last month while I was in Charlotte, NC, visiting Calico plant, on a Sunday drive I decided to try a Brazilian restaurant for lunch to see what their food tasted like.

On my drive down Independence Boulevard, I passed a Farmers Market Store that looked like it would be fun to browse through. They had several items that I did not recognize, nor did I want to know. One item that caught my eye was “Blackstrap Molasses”. I love honey and buy every new brand I can get and this looked something similar to honey. I called Ruth in California on my cell phone and asked her what this black stuff was. She knew basically what it was and that Molasses is used in baking.

I bought a bottle that was only $3.00+ tax and the girl at the register had no idea what it was used for. She was finishing her degree in Social Sience in the coming semester from UNC and been working there to pay for school. Therefore having a college degree does not make you an expert on molasses.

After I had lunch at the Brazilian Resturant (that was great and too much to eat), I was excited to find out more about this black gooey stuff in the bottle.

This is what I found out:

Regular ole molasses is the first or second boiling of cane sugar syrup while blackstrap is the third boiling of the syrup. Iron levels appear to increase 5% in the 3rd boiling. The third boiling of the sugar syrup gives blackstrap molasses. The majority of sucrose from the original juice has been crystallized but black strap molasses is still mostly sugar by calories[1]; however, unlike refined sugars, it contains significant amounts of vitamins and minerals. Blackstrap molasses is a source of calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. One tablespoon provides up to 20 percent of the daily value of each of those nutrients.[
Molasses Cures
Blackstrap molasses appears to be making headlines as one of the best home remedies around! Blackstrap molasses is claimed to be an ingredient for curing cancerous tumors, fibroid tumors, anxiety, constipation, edema, heart palpitations, anemia, arthritic pain, joint pain, and acne, just to name a few. It has also been reported that molasses turns gray hair back to its original color and is a wonderful skin softener!

Having read all that, I have made it an addition to my daily morning breakfast. I take a tablespoon straight up. It is sweet, and with all the vitamins in it, what can go wrong.
I suggest you read more about it but check with your doctor if you have any medial history to make sure it does not cause any unwanted effects.
What we have here could possibly be “BLACK GOLD” in a bottle.
If you have any additional information regarding this, please let me know so I can pass it along.

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