Thursday, January 14, 2010

Let’s wait for the Government to make it a legal 3 day weekend.

Let’s wait for the Government to make it a legal 3 day weekend.

There are times when one wonders if Monday has become the 3rd day of the weekend! Weekends use to be just one day, Sunday (Sabbath) for worship, rest, and reflection. It was decided that an extra day was needed for recreation, so Saturday was added and people used this day to plan for fun, special chores, and shopping, still leaving worship, resting, and reflection to be done on Sunday.

Then comes Monday! How does one stretch the two day weekend into three to include Monday (or Friday)?

This is where I get really upset when I come to work and I find out at any location someone on a Friday or Monday has called in “sick”. How come they do not get sick on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, but they do on Friday or Monday? I do not accept this excuse, knowing full well they either did too much over the weekend and now they feel tired or don’t feel well as a result (and it definitely is not caused by a virus or bacteria strain), or they go someplace, or plan a project at home that didn’t get finished in time.

Working is not a social thing (although we encourage friendships and good working relationships). It is the obligation that each employee must make to their family and to the company they are working for to show up on the weekdays that are work days (with the exception of holidays and vacation days), and to be physically, mentally, and emotionally ready to perform their job duties to the best of their ability.

Starting immediately, plan your vacations in advance, and let your manager know well in advance when you are taking any day(s) off so we can plan accordingly.

If you call in “sick” Friday or Monday, I want you to know that I will not look at it under a favorable light, unless you have a doctor’s note available. If you know you are going to take off on a Monday or a Friday, and you have vacation days left, all you need to do is let us know in advance. The key words here are “in advance”. Companies cannot function normally at the “whim” of their employees deciding if and when they will come to work. Success depends on structure.

Fridays and Mondays make up 28.4% of the 365 days year, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays make 42.7% of the 365 days year. The law of probability would make it 1-1/2 times more likely to get sick mid- week.

Let’s not start a 3 days weekend until the government makes it mandatory.

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