Thursday, January 14, 2010


TV Converter Boxes

The day of converting and converter boxes for digital TV has finally arrived, ready or not.

In our California lunch room we have an old TV that is about 25 years old. It belonged to my Mother when she was watching it at her home many years ago. I guess they used to make them last! This TV had reception of only 8 channels in our lunch room. We do not have cable so it operated on RABBIT EARS. These 8 channels were sometimes even compromised and hard to view. Some of you might remember the good old days of adjusting the rabbit ears or sitting in a particular place in the room so there would be a better reception. That’s what our employees had to do to watch this thing.

Some of the employees who work Saturdays at the office and have lunch, they watches the so- called TV in the lunch room. They called me last Saturday and told me that there were no channels on the TV, only white snow. Last year when Government was giving away the vouchers for converters, I was able to get a few knowing they would be necessary for the year to come. I purchased the boxes for the “D” Day.

In these challenging economic times, we discovered that this might be a blessing in disguise, and a savings for all of us (but at the same time, a loss for the CABLE companies). I will explain our situation as it happened.

I brought a converter box from home and had it connected it to this old TV. You would not believe how amazed we all were to see how simple it was to install. But more than that, we could not believe the vivid pictures we were experiencing on the screen. And that was only the beginning! We now have 99 perfect channels that can be watched on this old TV that was showing only 8 channels before. We could not believe how sharp the picture is and how we can surf through the channels. The instructions said to set our TV on channel 3 or 4 and then with remote that comes with the unit, we change the channels on the converter box. The channels are compressed. In other words, when you go to channel 18, you have 18-1, 18-2, 18-4, 18-5, so you have to select the one you want to watch. All channels are there. Now we just have to figure out what channels our favorite shows are on.

Now for the savings! You can get rid of your cable company that is charging you $39.00 - $49.00 per month for basic cable, go with your converter box, and you are watching quality TV free.

I think the cable companies lost on this one. For a change, we have something that works and is free. Pass the word around, but test it first at your home without the cable coming from the wall. Use the converter box to make sure it will work for you before telling the cable company to take a hike. The converter box with the voucher costs you a one time $25.00 - $39.00 depending where you are shopping.

I suggest that even if you do not need one now, get a voucher from the Government and buy a converter box just in case you might need one in the future. These will not be available for long. To get your Coupon/voucher go to: Apply for the TV converter box coupons while supplies last, until July 31, 2009. Applications for coupons will continue to be accepted online, by phone, by mail and by fax until 12 midnight Eastern Time.

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