Thursday, January 14, 2010


Jean Arthur (My favorite actress of 1920 - 1940)

Born: Oct 17, 1900 in Plattsburgh, New York
  • Died: Jun 19, 1991 in Carmel, California
  • Occupation: Actor
  • Active: '20s-'40s
  • Major Genres: Comedy, Western
  • Career Highlights: Shane, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Mr. Deeds Goes to Town
  • First Major Screen Credit: Biff Bang Buddy (1924


I love all gadgets and enjoy any new ones that come on the market. I look forward to Fry’s Electronics advertisement in our Friday newspaper so I can see what’s new. My Saturday morning visit to Fry’s is now a ritual.

Last week when I got home from work, I checked to see what time the sunset would be, hoping to fit in my six-mile walk. I loaded my Ipod Shuffle with my favorite pod casts and rushed out of the house to utilize every minute of the day light that was left, since coyotes are all over the park after dark. When I got to the park, I realized I left my Ipod Shuffle still connected to my PC. I had to go on my walk without any distraction. As I was walking and thinking, I realized how dependent we are on items that were not even on the market 5 years ago. Now we can not live without them. I think the Fax was the first thing that got us all spoiled, and in turn disconnected us from each other. Then came e-mails, instant messaging, texting, and twitting. Our time is now taken up with these gadgets and new forms of communication, and there is no turning back. We have to live with it or become obsolete.

As I was walking, I realized how I momentarily escaped from this life-style, and something became very clear to me. It was actually enjoyable. I also realized that during my time of watching TV, I constantly go to the TMC channel that shows old movies. My favorites are from the 1940’s and before. They are all black and white, and it really displays the simplicity of life as it was, even though it was hard and all the comforts we enjoy were not available. I guess watching these movies is my escape from my gadget world that make up my business and personal life.

When I realized that the park was getting dark, I checked my Iphone where I keep track of my lap time, total time, and miles. I had done five miles and could not do the extra mile because of the coyotes. Somehow I was glad it was time to quit, since I was missing my Ipod to keep me company. I called it a day after the five miles and headed home.

I am sure each one of us has a way of escaping from the complicated lives we face every day. If you do not have any, find one as soon as you can. It makes the present more enjoyable and satisfying.

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