Thursday, January 14, 2010

Imagination and Sales

Imagination and Sales April 1, 2006

Gadgets are consuming much of our daily lives. Cell phones, Ipods, 500-channel cable television, podcasts, our PC’s, and the wonderful world of the internet with our e-mails are not leaving much time to have quiet time. Even though these devices are taking up much of our time, they are stimulating our imagination and bringing new things for us to learn at faster rate.

To absorb all this and still bring our own creative talent to the table requires some quiet time each day, so we can use our imagination to create. Quiet time can be your daily walk, jog, bike ride or any activity that gives you freedom from other obligations. It should be your fun time. Letting your mind run free will allow whatever is in the back of your mind to come forward. This is when your imagination can create new ideas and find solutions to old problems. A mind free from the daily stresses can reveal new possibilities on how to approach new customers and make that big sale, which is the dream of every salesperson. Everyone should allow him/herself this gift of free time to allow this creativity to grow.

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