Thursday, January 14, 2010


Since this year is winding down very quickly, I decided to continue with the organizational theme for the remaining months. Most everyone decides on New Years to make as one of their resolutions that THIS is the year they will become organized. However, getting organized doesn't just "happen". You need definite goals, all of which include PLANS. Let's use these remaining months to get ready both physically, emotionally, and mentally. Then we will be ready and prepared to literally START on January 1st! Ready?

For October and November, we are going to cover only the Stuff. In December we will review Time.
STUFF - This includes all of the physical things you own. Where did it all come from?!?! These are the items you bought (actually needed, found on sale, couldn't find the original one you had, etc.) or inherited (hardest to get rid of; be sure to make very careful decisions if family heirlooms, etc.), or were given as gifts (Christmas, Birthdays, etc).

There are 10 Basic Laws of Stuff:

1. Stuff breeds. The more you have, the more you need. Beware of starting a "collection" of something. Something starting out as a couple little figurines soon requires shelves, table space, or even additional furniture to display them. See how it progresses?
2. The useless stuff crowds out the good stuff. Think about all of the stored items, which we "could use" which is in the garage because our cupboards inside the house are filled with items we "never" use.
3. Dust loves stuff. Bugs love stuff. Rodents love stuff. Moisture loves stuff. Odds are that if you finally need something that you stored after a long period of time, it will be worthless.
4. Stuff loves to stay where it lands. It takes time and energy to put things away, and they certainly are not going to go to their "rightful" place on their own.
5. Stuff expands to fill the space available. The more storage space you have, the more stuff tends to accumulate.
6. Over time, stuff becomes invisible. This even applies to notes put on a bulletin board. Stuff becomes a part of its environment.
7. Stuff costs you money more than once. After you pay the initial price, you have freight or transportation charges (even using your own car to get it costs money). You need a container to store it in, a shelf, or a cupboard to put it in. And if you move????
8. Stuff has a powerful effect on your state of mind. Clutter can be oppressive or depressing to some people. We need to constantly maintain it in some way. It does require a lot of our energy.
9. Stuff takes on value ONLY when it is used. Remember, unused stuff is just clutter. An exception is if it adds beauty to your life, it is being "used" by your senses. However, it you don't love it, lose it.
10. Stuff doesn't make you happy; you do. Just like money can't buy you happiness, stuff can't either. Both are just tools to help you achieve your own happiness.
Project for the Month: Before you buy anything, consciously ask yourself if this item is necessary. Avoid all compulsive buying. Just because it's on sale does not mean you should buy it. You do not need duplicates. Remember you will have to store it until you need it so why not buy it when you actually will need it. Fact: If you have less Stuff, you will be rewarded with more Time.
Next month....Tools to help us Unclutter! (Thanks to Georgene Lockwood, author of “Organizing your Life.”

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