Thursday, January 14, 2010



Wow! What a year it has been for all of us. Started in late 2008 and it did not get any better in 2009. It affected us all and the big guys got fatter by using all the sceams to take publics money and get their messed up house supposedly in order which did not work. Meanwhile we all cut back and sacrificed to just make it though this tough year.

As it has been said a million times “government is not the solution, it is the problem” and gets in the way and places policies and laws in place that stays with us for years to come and we have to live with.

We all have lost many nights of sleeps this year worrying and finding ways to overcome the unforeseen problems that came up daily and we had to find ways to solve it.

I want to thank all of you for being resilient and sticking together through this year to get us to the end of the tunnel that we hope to see the light in the economy and the turn around without government intervention in 2010 to get us back to the way we use to do business and not by trying to make to the next level. All our competitors are in the same shoe and cut prices to capture the business. The worse thing to have is deflation, which would restrict all companies from raising prices to become profitable again to take care of their devoted employees. Inflation is bad, but deflation is worse.

Let’s look forward to 2010 with positive outlook and hope this storm is over and we can do business like business should be. President Calvin Coolidge in the 1920 said “The Business of America is Business”. So let’s do business.

I wish you all the best 2010/

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