Thursday, January 14, 2010



If you need your climate changed, just wait until I visit the area.

On September 8, 2007, I arrived in Appleton/Neenah, WI for a week’s visit. It was a beautiful Saturday and the weather was pleasant. I enjoyed a coolness that I had been missing in California with our tremendous summer heat. I was wearing short sleeves and enjoying this cooler version. As the week-days progressed, it got cooler, then cold, and then much colder. By Saturday, September 15, 2007, when I left Appleton / Neenah, WI for California, the temperature was in low 30’s and there was frost.

If in any area of the country you need your climate changed, just send me an invitation.

My visit to Futek was fantastic. It was wonderful to see the office and the factory busy, with everyone working hard to get the orders produced, shipped, and meeting deadlines. I would like to thank all of you at Futek for your hard work and dedication.

The Phone System at Futek was there from the day we started the operation in Neenah, WI. It had met its day and was causing problems. Also, having no voice mail was a challenge for everyone. Negotiations with our dedicated California telephone vendor allowed us to obtain a Toshiba system that was affordable. It is state of the art and will be installed in the coming weeks. I would like to thank Chuck, Heidi, and the entire crew at Futek who made my visit to Futek so pleasant and successful. Also, it was great to have lunch with Maurie and Kathy (our AFE Today Editor).

I wish you all a pleasant climate.

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